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This Would be the Future of Education after New Zealand's decision to implement VR in the classroom.

The New Zealand government announced that it will implement virtual reality into all schools in the coming year of 2020. This big step will greatly impact education in the future.  Several challenges persist in the education system today.  And these may continue do so in the future, which is why our aim must be to use immersive technologies such as VR and AR. VR and AR address those challenges by designing dynamic and creative solutions.


Immersive technologies can drive forward the advancement of learning and teaching by providing interactive and engaging content to students, enabling active forms of learning, facilitating productive forms of assessment, promoting pedagogy-supported implementation of educational technology in the classroom, and most importantly, nurturing the ecosystems of learning where students become the enthusiastic agents of their own education.

Rethinking education

Most educators and researchers concur that it is imperative to move away from the current model of education that is largely based on passive instruction and excessive assessments, and instead cultivate the idea of learning as an intellectual adventure and a lifelong passion in the minds of young learners. 

A new tomorrow

In his seminal work on VR, Power, Madness, and Immortality: The Future of Virtual Reality, Mychilo Stephenson Cline pointed out that in education, VR is likely to lead to an increasing emphasis on interdisciplinary perspectives and technical training, while the use of video-game based technologies will contribute to changes in the ‘look and feel’ of the classroom environment. Cline asserted that the adoption and integration of VR in education will also signal a much-needed shift away from learning that is too abstract and disconnected from practice and experience. Instead, it will empower students by offering a more experiential mode of learning and promoting the need for conceptual understanding.


New Zealand Discover more with RobotLAB VR Kits! 

Check our VR kits and travel with your students from the comfort of your classroom!


  • Oct 4, 2019 12:17:32 PM
